
The North Coast Forests Taskforce is an industry based initiative comprising representatives from Forests NSW, the Australian Forest Products Association, the Timber NSW, the Institute of Foresters of Australia, industry representatives from across the North Coast of NSW and the broader community.

The mission of the Taskforce is to substantially improve community understanding of, support for and confidence in, the environmentally sustainable management of North Coast forests and their timber products.

We are constantly looking for inspiration. For facts and statements that inspire us, surprise us and motivate us. The slide below contains a a collection of facts we have compiled so far. Keep your mouse off the panel - otherwise it won't slide

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timber has an endless variety of applications, indoor, outdoor, decorative or structural

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growing trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, storing it for life as carbon in wood, leaves and other organic material.

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for every tonne of wood produced, 1.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide is taken from the atmosphere

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Less than 10% of forested land in NSW is managed by Forestry Corporation, with only 0.1%, of that area, harvested for renewable timbers pa

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residues from forest and wood products hold great potential for energy production - a significantly improved alternative to fossil-fuels

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wood has the lowest embodied energy of any mainstream building material

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Wood uses much less energy compared to other popular building materials

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Wood has the best thermal insulation properties of any mainstream construction material.

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North Coast timber promotes local economies and reduces the energy needed to transport materials long distances

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timber from sustainably managed forests like those on the North Coast of NSW can often be better than carbon neutral

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