Michael Borger & Grant Rainbow 02 65626839 sales@astfloors.com.au
Service Suppliers
02 8822 5555
Mark Triplett & Maree Landrigan for Flooring, decking, joinery and other Kiln Dried material. bpsales@coffshardwoods.com.au 02 66492006
Martin McCarthy & Ryan McCarthy for poles and sawn timber sales quotes@coffshardwoods.com.au 02 66492006
Contact Sales - 02 6585 8103 - haydentimbers@bigpond.com
Glen Dorney, 02 4997 8123, sales@newellscreek.com.au
Brett, 02 4997 8123, admin@newellscreek.com.au
Lauren Ramien, max@ramienstimber.com.au, sales@ramienstimber.com.au, 02 68824266
Anthony Dorney, 02 4997 4456, relfsmill@bigpond.com
Alison, 02 4997 4456, relfsmill@bigpond.com